Monday, August 22, 2011

Bingo's Journal - I am a Very Normal Cat - Mostly

The Tall Lady has been exceedingly busy this summer. She's been getting my next book ready for printing. It takes her a lot of time to get things just perfect. I find that I can help in my own special way. With my cat paw I can press the "cap locks" and really help her with the text in the new book.

Other times I find this old bowl outside her office door to be perfect for cat napping.

She caught me here and I felt a little embarrassed that all I could muster was a huge, gigantic cat yawn . . . showing all my pointy teeth.

And a happy look on my Cheshire cat face.

Then a little girl like "Alice" finds a way to trick me into having a "tea party" with her! How DO these things happen!! But I can't resist the turkey treats she gives me.

After a nice snack, I find time to do normal cat things like sniffing the laundry hanging from the clothes line.

And of course I find a way to avoid "THE DOG." Even though she likes to sneak up on me, I know she is there. I have cat super senses so I have eyes in the back of my head. (Oops...that's not normal now is it?!)

A magical world grew up this summer at the little humans play area! I spent time sniffing the sunflowers since they were so amazing. I am a cat who appreciates beauty!

How could I not investigate these bountiful blinding, gorgeous globes of bright yellow! They just made me happy.

And what made me even happier was the preview the Tall Lady gave me of the cover for my book!

Available Winter 2011!

Bye for now!

p.s. Have your kids read Bingo's Big Adventure? It's my very own children's book with tons of cool pictures of a cat with stripes and roosters and chickens. Really it's a fun book for kids and adults alike!