Friday, November 25, 2011

Children's Book Sale for Black Friday and Small Business "Caterday"

Is it Black Friday already?!?
My Award Winning children's book, Bingo's Big Adventure is on sale.
Hardbound books 31% off cover!
(That's $11 for a hard back book!)

If you have children ages 4-8 on your Christmas list you can share your love of cats!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts for A "Cat-tastic" Holiday

As Thanksgiving nears, I feel the need to share my cat-attude with the humans. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for cats because there are lots of tasty tidbits to be eaten. And if I plan just right I may be a cat who gets some nibbles of turkey . . . and before I stuff myself full I want to wish all children and adult humans a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Because I am a smarty-cat, I have been practicing my begging skills already.

But unfortunately I heard the news that no cat wants to hear. I was insulted by a human.

Apparently, from her lofty vantage - six feet over my little cat body - the Tall Lady said it looked like my belly has been expanding. I think her exact words were, "Bingo, you look like you swallowed a gopher . . ."

In my defense, I am an outdoor cat and I must grow some fur to keep me warm on those cold, cold nights that I am locked outside. It seems the Tall Lady insists that I, Bingo the Cat, can't sleep in the house. I don't know why . . . I only request to go out side around 3 am. All cats must go outside in the wee hours of the morning. We need to hunt rodents. Even in the coldest of weather. Thus, I have extra cat fur - not a gopher belly!!

Then the Tall Lady captured me in a moment of weakness. It just may be possible that I am guilty as charged . . .

Even cats have to go on diets after the holiday feasting. And I will be no exception since I must maintain my svelte cat figure for my action adventure books.

Well, I wish everyone a joyful Thanksgiving!!

Bye for now,
Bingo (the Cat)