Because I am a smarty-cat, I have been practicing my begging skills already.
Apparently, from her lofty vantage - six feet over my little cat body - the Tall Lady said it looked like my belly has been expanding. I think her exact words were, "Bingo, you look like you swallowed a gopher . . ."
In my defense, I am an outdoor cat and I must grow some fur to keep me warm on those cold, cold nights that I am locked outside. It seems the Tall Lady insists that I, Bingo the Cat, can't sleep in the house. I don't know why . . . I only request to go out side around 3 am. All cats must go outside in the wee hours of the morning. We need to hunt rodents. Even in the coldest of weather. Thus, I have extra cat fur - not a gopher belly!!
Then the Tall Lady captured me in a moment of weakness. It just may be possible that I am guilty as charged . . .
Even cats have to go on diets after the holiday feasting. And I will be no exception since I must maintain my svelte cat figure for my action adventure books.
Well, I wish everyone a joyful Thanksgiving!!
Bye for now,
Bingo (the Cat)