Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bingo's Big Words - Yes, I have a large vocabulary!

August 24, 2010

Good day humans! Since I am Bingo, the Mighty Adventurer, I wanted to propose a topic for debate.

It has come to my attention that I may write "too big" for some kids in my book
Bingo's Big Adventure. There have not been many humans complaining, but I still wanted to talk about this subject since it is on the top of my feline mind. The Tall Lady has mentioned to me that a very small number of reviews have talked about this fact.

Just for the record, I am a smart cat! I like words. And if you want your kids to learn new words, let them hang out with me. There is an excellent study you could also read about how important new words are to kids HERE.

While I appear casual and relaxed for my daily grooming, I am really thinking of new words that should be introduced to children. I want kids to have a BIG vocabulary. It makes their minds grow!

As I lay between the corn rows contemplating what new words I could use, I reflect upon the plants growth which rockets to the sky. It was not long ago that I was taller than the corn . . . but I digress.

I was thinking about the fact that the famous children's book writer, Bill Peet used HUGE words in his books and I have not heard criticism of his work. Heck there are many, many, many other authors who include vocabulary enriching text in their works.

So what's the big deal about ME using some good words mixed with those kids already know?

I think kids get bored after a while with the same "ole" word set. For most kids my book will seamlessly merge into the family library. For other kids who are not quite ready for my word empowerment, then the adult humans should wait until those kids are a little bigger before letting them dig into my thoughts!

It's possible that a 3 year old may not be able to sit through my book, but I know MANY who already do! So as a human parent, your job is to gauge when the time is appropriate to introduce the bigger worded books to your little humans.
On the other end of the spectrum, I have watched some 7 and 8 year old medium sized humans tear through my book and absorb the new words with fervor!

So with all things, parents are crucial in implementing a reading program that broadens children's exposure to new words. The sooner the better is what the Tall Lady always says.

I guess my parting thought is if you want your kids to grow their minds, read books like
Bingo's Big Adventure to them. If you like the comfort zone, my book may not be right for you. But I still hold the hope that you change your mind . . .

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bingo is The Boss

August 14, 2010

Hi Folks! I was resting this beautiful summer afternoon enjoying the lingering rays of the sun that sifted through the tree leaves, and I noticed that my friend was hanging out at the play ground where we live...

This handsome kitty's name is Lucky, he is a year older than me. He thinks he's smarter and faster than me. He's has a pretty big opinion about himself! Grrr. But I won't let him boss me around! Or tease me about anything!

Lucky came down from his roost high on the kids platform and decided he had to stir up some trouble with me. . . He said to me, "Hey Bingo, you smell funny today! You been carousing with the skunks lately? Or did you just roll in some horse manure?"

I replied with a growl, "Lucky, I have fangs that can puncture a lizard in one bite. I'll make mincemeat of you buddy. Watch out or It will be an afternoon you won't forget! You may be my best friend and older than me but I still can take you down!"

And to prove it I gave him a quick swipe with my paw. He saw the error in his way and left quietly.

I may be young but I can hold my own!

Bye for now,

And remember, you can check out my first action adventure book HERE! Click now and see excerpts from my story. Kids are enjoying it in California and your

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bingo RUNS from August

August 10, 2010

The Boy has been after me AGAIN!! I am starting to think he is not understanding my subtle hints. I.E. when I RUN. I don't want to be held. I am Bingo, The Mighty Adventurer. I will not submit myself to such torture!

But to no avail. Like a big game hunter, "The Boy" displays me to the Tall Lady. He could at least look happy about his capture. Maybe I just need to scratch him gently, so he gets the idea to leave me be!

Scratch him like I did the Tall Lady! See the tears in her pants.

Just Kidding!! The Tall Lady is really hard on her jeans and they just start to disintegrate.

Well, it's just another day being Bingo, The Mighty Adventurer! Who knows what tomorrow shall bring.

Be well friends!

And maybe you can check out my book for your self. Bingo's Big Adventure is available at Amazon and on this site through paypal.

What Bingo Does During His Free Time

July 23, 2010

The sweet dry air of the late afternoon makes me happy as I sit in the tall grasses and think about the day that has past and what the night shall behold.

But then I see someone I know! He is a friend. A very good friend who I am always glad to see. He was nice to me when I first came here, even though I thought he might have been mean. He blends in with the yellow grasses with his best camouflage apparel. But I guess he can't help it. It's pretty hard to change your fur being a cat.

I can't resist a good joke on my buddy. Who does not like the surprise attack once in a while. It's those startling jumps of adrenaline that make me glad I am a cat! I love the feeling of crazy kitty energy pulsing though my veins. I will focus on him an hope he does not notice me crouched low.

However, Jimmy just ignores me. He is a mature. He is not as feisty as me. He does not get worked up over my antics. He stoically waits for me to pounce. That is no fun. I want to wrassle.

Well, this is more like it! This small human is entertaining. He likes commotion. He is in constant motion. If I swat at him he won't leave. He likes it!

This little human is silly. He keeps poking me with a piece of grass. Maybe I should just bite him and see what happens . . .

Or I could rub my face on him so he smells like me. I LIKE things that smell like me. I want everyone to smell like me. In fact I think my perfume is the BEST! The small human does not seem to mind either . . . some people don't like it when I put my perfume on them!

The small human is concentrating on petting me for some reason. I think my fur must be the softest around. He must really like me. Yep. I must be right about this.

Well, I've had enough. I am a cat and I bore easily of the small human. I need to find something else to sniff, something else to inspect, something else to do. I think the small human does NOT like me leaving him so soon. But I don't care. I need to leave and he can't stop me.

Well this sand box is really nice. I appreciate having such an expansive place to use the bath room. In fact, I think all the cats in the neighborhood use this sand box. I have heard the Tall Lady say she is not happy about this use of her "arena." But it can't be helped.

Now who is this other cat down here! I have never met him before. He is like me only . . . only all gray colored! Hmmmm. I think that I'd better watch my back around this place!

Bye for now!


PS. The Tall Lady has requested I ask those folks who have a copy of my book, and have an Amazon account, to please, please, please put a review up about Bingo's Big Adventure on Amazon. Amazon loves reviews. Amazon recommends books to other consumers based on reviews. I would really like it if your review helped more folks to purchase my book. I think it would help the Tall Lady too, and she feeds me, so I ask.

July 13, 2010

Today was a tough day for me. I spent a considerable amount of time sleeping. Then sleeping some more.

But then I decided to go outside and do what I do best. . . explore!

I found "The Boy" and decided to let him pet me. He's fun for a few minutes at a time.

But then I had to inspect this ground squirrel hole. I sure like ground squirrels, but ground squirrels sure don't like me!

I have dreams of ground squirrels! Maybe someday I'll catch one.

Bye for now,
