Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bingo's Journal - The Tall Lady Makes Me WORK!

I had to punch in on the ole time card today. I guess it's my job to "explore" once in a while for the Tall Lady. She is my human and I should try to help her out with her new projects. She dragged me out from a perfectly good nap to participate with the tomatoes. Now really today she was stretching it.

My first task of the day was to play "hide." Can you see me?

Oh yeah. Here I am! Just checking out this here wooden box.

Whoa! What is that!?!? I think that must be a big, big bird. Must get closer . . .

Obviously, I'd better jump out and see if I can get closer to it!

But wait . . . what is this here? Here in this basket? (I'll pretend that I like tomatoes. I think that is what I am supposed to do now.)

Sometimes there are goodies to be found in these things I am supposed to look at. Call them little treats, secret nibbles, or special kitty kibble. I smell something good here. Just . . . where is it?!

It has to be here! It must! Where is the turkey!!! The Tall Lady hides it so well.

I guess my staggeringly long 10 minute work day would exhaust some cats, but not me! And inspecting new props is the best cause I do get some "good eats".

Just a day in my life. I'm a hard working tabby cat trying to catch a break!

Bye for now,

p.s. Buy my fun children's book called Bingo's Big Adventure. It's got loads of great pictures kids will love!