My first task of the day was to play "hide." Can you see me?
Oh yeah. Here I am! Just checking out this here wooden box.
Whoa! What is that!?!? I think that must be a big, big bird. Must get closer . . .
But wait . . . what is this here? Here in this basket? (I'll pretend that I like tomatoes. I think that is what I am supposed to do now.)
Sometimes there are goodies to be found in these things I am supposed to look at. Call them little treats, secret nibbles, or special kitty kibble. I smell something good here. Just . . . where is it?!
It has to be here! It must! Where is the turkey!!! The Tall Lady hides it so well.
I guess my staggeringly long 10 minute work day would exhaust some cats, but not me! And inspecting new props is the best cause I do get some "good eats".
Just a day in my life. I'm a hard working tabby cat trying to catch a break!
Bye for now,
p.s. Buy my fun children's book called Bingo's Big Adventure. It's got loads of great pictures kids will love!