Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bingo's Journal - It's All in a Days Work

Some days I am so very bored! The "hippo" yawns over take me even though I am supposed to be a Mighty Adventurer.

But today I saw something staring at me from behind a cluster of grass. There were bright yellow eyes beaming out from the plants and I had to investigate!

I think this cat thought he was invisible or something. But I carefully walked up to him just so I could meet him.

Oh, it's just Lucky. He's my friend and we chase each other rather frequently here on our farm.

Things were going well for this morning's greeting. I believed it was business as usual for my shiny, black-coated friend. A nice sniff and then we go exploring together.

But then I saw a wild twitch in his tail and a sparkle in his eye that told me trouble was on the way.
Then he jumped me!

I had no choice but to do a body lift and slam him!

See, I showed him. I don't think he'll try that wrestling move again any time soon.

It's all in a day's work for Bingo cause I am a Mighty Adventurer...or rather Mighty Wrestler!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bingo's Journal-The Dog Days of Summer

Do you ever have days where you wander around aimlessly wondering where everyone else is in the world? It's like they are there, but not there. They are large and looming, but you have no idea how to find them.

Then there are the days when you just want to rest. Stretch out. Observe and think. I like to feel the gritty sand scratch my back in the giant litter box where the horses are ridden. Then I enjoy the feeling of fine particles of silt clinging softly to my fur giving it a powdery finish. So much for a shiny clean coat.

And I like to make strange faces while rolling in the sand. If I show my teeth I look like I might cause some trouble. Gosh the Tall Lady takes some strange photos of me. I think I may have to take away her camera some day. Or not . . .

Because, a scratch on the cheek by the Tall Lady can be really nice and very rewarding.

Sometimes I have to climb to new vantage points on the old back fence to oversee the world around me. New perspectives are good for a cat. I have to keep on my toes around this place. I never know what might happen next.

Like this..... Once again I have become butt up on the tail end of a joke . . .

Until next time.

Signing off,
