Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bingo's Journal - Fall Really Comes in December Where I Live . . .

As a cat, I observe the changing of the seasons around my home and I noticed that all the leaves were falling off the trees! Strange. Apparently, trees shed their leaves as it gets colder, just as I grow my fur coat thicker when the frost is in the air. But I digress.

Cat's notice lots of stuff that humans don't think we see. But, I am a cat who sees everything! Like this . . . a human girl peeking at me from behind a leaf! Hrumph! I know who she is already! Does she think she can hide?!?

So the little human girl was playing in the fallen leaves. I am not sure why she thought this was a fun thing to do. But through my cat's eyes, I had to see what would happen next. Humans can do strange things . . . at least it seems that way to a cat.

Three! Two! One! Ka-pow!

Leaves were floating everywhere! What fun. Now lots of falling leaves are something that a cat can understand. I had to move in so I could sniff around and get a better understanding of what was going on with those leaves.

Yellow leaves, brown leaves, round leaves, heart-shaped leaves, speckled leaves! For a cat, I have a great descriptive vocabulary, if I do say so myself. I'd like kids to have a great vocabulary too! My award winning picture book, Bingo's Big Adventure, introduces lots of new words to kids!

And even though I am just a cat, I want kids to explore and have fun in nature! Just like me. I like to search and find and discover new stuff. Children should have the same chance to find adventure too!

Burying my head deep in the leaves, I can smell with my cat nose. My sensitive cat nostrils can detect a twinge of mold and maybe even a mouse. Yep! A mouse was here!

But wait! Trouble is brewing! My cat fur started to stand up! Alert! Alert! Something is happening!! Oh NO! It's LUCKY! He is my friend, but sometimes he wrestles with me a wee bit too hard.

And it looks like he is a cat who is out to cause TROUBLE today!

Oh, NO! I must flee! I must run! I must leap! I must escape! I'm not getting into a tussle with that cat! I may be a Mighty Adventurer, but I am a peaceful explorer. Gotta run!

Until next time!
Bye for now,
Bingo the Cat (aka Bingo the Mighty Adventurer)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Children's Book Sale for Black Friday and Small Business "Caterday"

Is it Black Friday already?!?
My Award Winning children's book, Bingo's Big Adventure is on sale.
Hardbound books 31% off cover!
(That's $11 for a hard back book!)

If you have children ages 4-8 on your Christmas list you can share your love of cats!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts for A "Cat-tastic" Holiday

As Thanksgiving nears, I feel the need to share my cat-attude with the humans. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday for cats because there are lots of tasty tidbits to be eaten. And if I plan just right I may be a cat who gets some nibbles of turkey . . . and before I stuff myself full I want to wish all children and adult humans a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Because I am a smarty-cat, I have been practicing my begging skills already.

But unfortunately I heard the news that no cat wants to hear. I was insulted by a human.

Apparently, from her lofty vantage - six feet over my little cat body - the Tall Lady said it looked like my belly has been expanding. I think her exact words were, "Bingo, you look like you swallowed a gopher . . ."

In my defense, I am an outdoor cat and I must grow some fur to keep me warm on those cold, cold nights that I am locked outside. It seems the Tall Lady insists that I, Bingo the Cat, can't sleep in the house. I don't know why . . . I only request to go out side around 3 am. All cats must go outside in the wee hours of the morning. We need to hunt rodents. Even in the coldest of weather. Thus, I have extra cat fur - not a gopher belly!!

Then the Tall Lady captured me in a moment of weakness. It just may be possible that I am guilty as charged . . .

Even cats have to go on diets after the holiday feasting. And I will be no exception since I must maintain my svelte cat figure for my action adventure books.

Well, I wish everyone a joyful Thanksgiving!!

Bye for now,
Bingo (the Cat)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bingo's Journal - The Tall Lady Makes Me WORK!

I had to punch in on the ole time card today. I guess it's my job to "explore" once in a while for the Tall Lady. She is my human and I should try to help her out with her new projects. She dragged me out from a perfectly good nap to participate with the tomatoes. Now really today she was stretching it.

My first task of the day was to play "hide." Can you see me?

Oh yeah. Here I am! Just checking out this here wooden box.

Whoa! What is that!?!? I think that must be a big, big bird. Must get closer . . .

Obviously, I'd better jump out and see if I can get closer to it!

But wait . . . what is this here? Here in this basket? (I'll pretend that I like tomatoes. I think that is what I am supposed to do now.)

Sometimes there are goodies to be found in these things I am supposed to look at. Call them little treats, secret nibbles, or special kitty kibble. I smell something good here. Just . . . where is it?!

It has to be here! It must! Where is the turkey!!! The Tall Lady hides it so well.

I guess my staggeringly long 10 minute work day would exhaust some cats, but not me! And inspecting new props is the best cause I do get some "good eats".

Just a day in my life. I'm a hard working tabby cat trying to catch a break!

Bye for now,

p.s. Buy my fun children's book called Bingo's Big Adventure. It's got loads of great pictures kids will love!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bingo's Journal - I am a Very Normal Cat - Mostly

The Tall Lady has been exceedingly busy this summer. She's been getting my next book ready for printing. It takes her a lot of time to get things just perfect. I find that I can help in my own special way. With my cat paw I can press the "cap locks" and really help her with the text in the new book.

Other times I find this old bowl outside her office door to be perfect for cat napping.

She caught me here and I felt a little embarrassed that all I could muster was a huge, gigantic cat yawn . . . showing all my pointy teeth.

And a happy look on my Cheshire cat face.

Then a little girl like "Alice" finds a way to trick me into having a "tea party" with her! How DO these things happen!! But I can't resist the turkey treats she gives me.

After a nice snack, I find time to do normal cat things like sniffing the laundry hanging from the clothes line.

And of course I find a way to avoid "THE DOG." Even though she likes to sneak up on me, I know she is there. I have cat super senses so I have eyes in the back of my head. (Oops...that's not normal now is it?!)

A magical world grew up this summer at the little humans play area! I spent time sniffing the sunflowers since they were so amazing. I am a cat who appreciates beauty!

How could I not investigate these bountiful blinding, gorgeous globes of bright yellow! They just made me happy.

And what made me even happier was the preview the Tall Lady gave me of the cover for my book!

Available Winter 2011!

Bye for now!

p.s. Have your kids read Bingo's Big Adventure? It's my very own children's book with tons of cool pictures of a cat with stripes and roosters and chickens. Really it's a fun book for kids and adults alike!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bingo's Journal - Happy Fireworks it's July!

I was walking around our farm when I encountered several bright lights glowing in the sky. I thought it was very odd indeed.

They looked like miniature suns. . . when did we get five suns? Did that happen when I was sleeping?

I moved in closer to inspect them more carefully. How could these suns be so close to the ground? Or were these big yellow discs just fireworks left over from the 4th of July?

When I got up close they were not on fire or even hot so they could not be the sun or a firework. That was strange. I expected them to be different and they were not what the seemed.

Upon detailed examination, I decided that these glowing globes were only flowers....I may have even heard the Tall Lady say "sun" flowers. Yeah, that's what they are!

I think these sunflowers are really nice. They add a certain dazzle to the day. They are bright and happy. They don't smell too bad either. Who knew I was a cat who liked sunflowers?!

These sunflowers are beautiful! These sunflowers are gorgeous. These sunflowers make me meow a happy tune. These sunflowers make me think of the long days of summer and how lucky I am to be a cat who lives on a farm.

I think that I should admit that I am one fortunate cat to have sunflowers to look at. I think I may be cat who appreciates my world and I am a cat who can even stop to smell the flowers . . . hee hee.

Peace out!

Bye for now,
Bingo, The Mighty Adventurer

p.s. Get your own copy of my children's book Bingo's Big Adventure! It has bright color pictures of a cat (me of course), a pesky rooster and bossy chickens. This cat's tale is a book with important questions for kids about their world.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bingo's Journal - Apparently I am a Cat who Likes Human Food

The small humans in my house left their food on the table the other day and I had to investigate just what they get for dinner! It smelled sweet and I thought I should take a taste. And I discovered that it was GOOD!! It was cool and yummy - even to a meat eating, meadow vole snacking, mouse nibbling cat . . .

It was so appetizing I wanted to chew on it too! My teeth do not work so well on large pieces of food but I gave it the old college try.

The Tall Lady said, "Bingo! Cat's aren't supposed to eat watermelon!" But I did not care. I kept sampling the human food.

Who said cats are only carnivorous?!! I am a cat who is obviously an omnivore. Who'd have known? Just don't ask how a cat knows the difference between the human words "carnivore and omnivore". Remember - I am a cat who promotes a large vocabulary. And I want all kids to have lots of words too!

Well, please excuse me now, I have some watermelon that I need to attend to.

Bye for now,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bingo's Journal - What Now?

Bingo the Mighty Adventurer here - I am once again looking for something to DO! As a cat it's my job to be frisky and frolic around our property.

Aha! I spy my best friend Lucky the Cat who is wandering nearby. He has a gleam in his eyes. He's probably looking for trouble. But trouble for cats can mean fun!

If I crouch down really low behind this rock I bet he won't see me. I am a cat and we are practically invisible when we scrunch like this. Or so it seems.

But drat! Then he sees me too! He thinks hiding in the brick rubble makes him see through. But he is totally obvious to me. I am a cat who sees all - especially my friend who is not well camouflaged. Heh, heh, heh . . . .

Whoa!!!! What does Lucky think he is doing? He's not supposed to be chasing me! I was going to chase him!! I guess I'd better RUN!

If I hide behind this car carrier I think I can stall him. He looks a little testy though. Never mess with a cat with ears that look like that! He is giving me the big bad cat stare down and I always pretend to cower in fear. I'm not really scared. It's just fun to act like I am afraid of him.

See - a few moments later we decide to call it a truce and walk leisurely across the yard together. We cats may play rough, chase each other ruthlessly and occasionally run like banshees, but . . .

. . . we are two cats who are always the best of buds in the end. As we walk off in the afternoon it's good to know I have a great friend. Everyone needs one. Even a cat.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bingo's Journal - Hay, Hay, Hay - I've been Laz-hay . . .

Greetings humans! It's Bingo the Mighty Adventurer here. I've been super busy this spring - doing tremendously important cat stuff - of course.

I sleep and I nap and I slumber and I rest.
I relax and I meditate and I gaze and I snooze.

My life is very taxing - for sure. I bet I look very stressed.
It's hard being a celebrity cat . . . .

I find my best snoozing spot out at the hay stacks in the barn. I am the BEST barn cat ever. I keep tabs on all that happens in the hay bales...

I just hate it when I poke my eye on a piece of hay - it's kind of embarrassing. But I push on with my patrol. Down I descend to inspect the lower levels of the hay. My cat senses tell me there may be something to eat.

I thought I heard a squeak of some kind. It's the sound of rodents that my super cat hearing can detect from within the hay bales. The small furry satellite dishes on my head never lie. But is the noise from mice or ground squirrels today? Hmmmmmmm. I'd like to find a really big mouse for a snack.

Maybe they are hiding in the spaces between the bales of hay. I'll have to sniff and find out. Nope, can't see mice inside here.

And nothing here either! Well, I think I'd better check on the grain bucket. Sometimes they climb in but they can't get out, and I can find a delightfully easy snack. It's easy "popcorn" pickens for a cat like me when a few little meeses are stuck in there.

Drat. Nothing.

I'd just better check out my cat bed again. Maybe the mice are hiding there.
Yeah that's the ticket.

Again! No mice!

I just think my hay bale-cat bed is calling me once again.
It says "Sleep Bingo....Sleep Bingo....Sleep Bingo, Sleep.

Like I said, I've been in the hay and been very, very LAZ-HAY.

Goodness. Somehow a yawn has escaped me. Hay bales are a sedative for barn cats. They are sleep inducing. Soporific. Great. Just Great. How am I ever to patrol the barn and discover a new adventure when I am so tired.

Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow. I am hopeless today or rather this spring. It's back to my cat nap.

Bye for now,