And Lucky is a favorite of our little humans. He plays with them and tolerates their games without question. I think he is good luck since he gets such a nice response from the little humans!
I want all cats, especially black cats to feel safe and secure in their world like our Lucky! I think black cats are just as "lucky" as any other cat! So let's remember that black cats are not bad luck on Halloween.
While thinking about the fall, I took some time to reflect upon the long shadows at the afternoon's end. I watched the human boy playing in the dirt. I think playing in the dirt is a great thing. He's using his paws to DO stuff. Kids need to just get dirty some times! And adult humans just need to say YES to dirt too!
I was also thinking about how I get teased by this titmouse at the bird feeder - ALL THE TIME! I sit and watch him and he screams at me!!! Birds.....I'm just sayin' . . . they frustrate me.
Bye for now,
Bingo the Mighty Adventurer